Parent & Baby Horoscopesby Birth Flower

20th July, 2019

20th July, 2019

Baby Bloom Horoscope by Birth Flower

Getting to Know You

Whether you’re expecting your own new arrival or you’re helping a loved one celebrate a birth, there’s no more fitting way to mark the occasion than with a bouquet of flowers. Of course, the bunch you choose has to look stunning, but there’s more to selecting blooms than mere appearances.

By delving into the stars when you’re choosing birth flowers, you can give extra meaning to this gesture — and just maybe it’ll provide you with some intriguing insights into the sort of person the little one will grow up to become.

This guide details everything from the different months’ flowers and birthstones to their horoscope signs and traits.

As well as helping you to celebrate new arrivals in style, our astrology guide could come in handy if you’re searching for thoughtful birthday flowers.

January Birth Flower, Carnation

Birthstone: Garnet

Celebs born in January:
Mel Gibson, Dolly Parton, Kate Middleton

Horoscopes of January:
Capricorn (December 22nd - January 19th)
Aquarius (January 20th - February 18th)

Symbolism of the Flower:
Carnations are one of the most commercially grown flowers in the world, following after roses. Their bright colours and their variety makes them perfect for every occasion. A white carnation represents pure love and good luck, whereas a red one symbolizes admiration or love and affection.

What does this mean?:
If you’re born in January, the carnation is your birth flower, and suggests you’re a sensitive person or are always willing to help a friend out.

February Birth Flower, Violet and Iris

Birthstone: Amethyst

Celebs born in February :
Jane Seymour, JohnTravolta, Rihanna

Horoscopes of February :
Aquarius (January 20th - February 18th)
Pisces (February 19th - March 20th)

Symbolism of the Flower:
Both of February’s flowers, violets and irises, are a very distinct purple. When they begin to flower, we know that Spring is quickly approaching. The iris represents wisdom and respect whilst the violet represents loyalty.

What does this mean?:
Just like the symbolism of the violet and iris those born in February are loyal friends who will always be faithful.

March Birth Flower, Daffodil

Birthstone: Aquamarine, Bloodstone

Celebs born in March :
Daniel Craig, Bruce Willis, Mo Farah

Horoscopes of March :
Pisces (February 19th - March 20th)
Aries (March 21st - April 19th)

Symbolism of the Flower:
The daffodil is the national flower of Wales and is worn each St David’s Day on the 1st March. The daffodil is a traditional spring flower, symbolising rebirth and new beginnings.

What does this mean?:
The qualities of the daffodil perfectly represent any new babies born throughout March. Those born in March are traditional charismatic people who easily relate to others with their affectionate nature.

April Birth Flower, Daisy and Sweetpea

Birthstone: Diamond

Celebs born in April:
Russell Crowe, Queen Elizabeth II, Channing Tatum

Horoscopes of April:
Aries (March 21st - April 19th)
Taurus (April 20th - May 20th)

Symbolism of the Flower:
April is the start of the wedding season, so it is apt that April’s flower is the sweetpea. This fragrant flower is very popular as an accompaniment for bouquets and other flower arrangements. The flower symbolises happiness and joy, as well as respect. Daisies are also an April flowe, and represent true love and purity

What does this mean?:
Those born in April are sweet and cheerful just like their birth flowers. They also have a determination to succeed and the stamina to fulfill their goals.

May Birth Flower, Lily of the Valley

Birthstone: Emerald

Celebs born in May:
Adele, George Clooney, David Beckham

Horoscopes of May:
Taurus (April 20th-May 20th)
Gemini (May 21st-June 20th))

Symbolism of the Flower:
The Lily of the Valley symbolises purity and youth. The scientific name, Convallaria Magalis, literally means ‘that which belongs to May’. In France, the Lily of the Valley is sold everywhere on 1st May, and they’re seen to bring good luck and happiness to anyone in possession of one.

What does this mean?:
Just like the lily babies born in May are full of laughter but can also be series and know what the want. As they grow you’ll see them flourish using their ability to read situations to succeed

June Birth Flower, Rose

Birthstone: Diamond

Celebs born in June :
Marilyn Monroe, Meryl Streep, Kanye West

Horoscopes of June :
Gemini (May 21st-June 20th)
Cancer (June 21st-July 23rd)

Symbolism of the Flower:
Roses were first grown in China around 5,000 years ago, and now they’re one of the most popular flowers in the world. Their symbolism of love is known far and wide, and they’ll always be a solid favourite for Valentine’s Day.

What does this mean?:
Those born in June are more likely to be romantic, sensitive, and in touch with their emotions Which perfectly reflects the birth flower.

July Birth Flower, Larkspur

Birthstone: Ruby

Celebs born in July :
Tom Hanks, J.K. Rowling, Selena Gomez

Horoscopes of July :
Cancer (Jun 22nd – Jul 23rd)
Leo (Jul 24th – Aug 23rd)

Symbolism of the Flower:
The beautiful larkspur is a symbol of lightness and cheerfulness due to the colourful butterflies and bumblebees it attracts. When in bloom the Larkspur presents a spur of petals exposing a single follicle of fruit inside.

What does this mean?:
To some the plant means luck, which is good news for those born in this month who are likely to be determined individuals with a sensitive nature.

August Birth Flower, Gladiolus

Birthstone:Peridot, Sardonyx

Celebs born in August :
Robert De Niro, Barack Obama, Cameron Diaz

Horoscopes of August :
Leo (Jul 24th – Aug 23rd)
Virgo (Aug 24th – Sep 23rd)

Symbolism of the Flower:
A bright flower that towers above the rest capturing the sunshine on a summer’s day, the gladiolus truly represents the long sunny days.

What does this mean?:
Its tall proud stance is comparable with the traits of both the Leo and Virgo star signs that symbolise strong personalities with moral integrity.

September Birth Flower, Aster

Birthstone: Sapphire

Celebs born in September:
Colin Firth, Will Smith, Beyonce

Horoscopes of September:
Virgo (Aug 24th – Sep 23rd)
Libra (Sep 24th – Oct 23rd)

Symbolism of the Flower:
If you are born in September, you are lucky enough to have the wildflower, Aster as your birth flower. Aster resembles faith and wisdom which can be seen through the characteristics of those born in this month.

What does this mean?:
No matter if a Virgo or Libra your child will have a strong sense of fairness which comes from their ability to understand the needs of those around them.

October Flower, Marigold

Birthstone: Opal

Celebs born in October:
Simon Cowell, Bill Gates, Kim Kardashian

Horoscopes of October:
Libra (Sep 24th – Oct 23rd)
Scorpio (Oct 24th – Nov 22nd)

Symbolism of the Flower:
This vibrant distinctive flower started out life in the Mediterranean and is available in a range of colours although bright orange is the most popular as it oozes exotic qualities. It is often associated with beauty, love and warmth.

What does this mean?:
Those born in October are just like their birth flower, as they are also romantic and charming.

November Birth Flower, Chrysanthemum

Birthstone: Topaz, Citrine

Celebs born in November:
Miley Cyrus, Leonardo DiCaprio, Gordon Ramsay

Horoscopes of November:
Scorpio (Oct 24th – Nov 22nd)
Sagittarius (Nov 23rd – Dec 21st)

Symbolism of the Flower:
This pretty flower symbolizes friendship, joy and compassion and is a popular choice to give as a gift.

What does this mean?:
Its ability to appeal to many also represents those born in November whose intensity and passion can sometimes be hard to ignore.

December Flower, Poinsettia

Birthstone: Turquoise, Tanzanite

Celebs born in December:
Samuel L. Jackson, Anthony Hopkins, Taylor Swift

Horoscopes of December:
Sagittarius (Nov 23rd – Dec 21st)
Capricorn (Dec 22nd – Jan 19th)

Symbolism of the Flower:
Grown in the long winter nights the Poinsetta thrives in the colder months when the mornings are crisp. For this reason, the plant is often associated with the festive season and it fits in rather nicely symbolising cheerfulness and success.

What does this mean?:
The plant is a symbol of success and cheerfulness which truly represents those born in December.

Capricorn - Earth Sign

Ruling Planet: Saturn

If a beautiful baby Capricorn has joined your family; congratulations, they will be easy-going as a baby, which is good news for the parents! Your new bundle of joy will grow up to be kind and sincere. You should encourage learning from a young age, as Capricorns love to learn, and will grow up to be determined and hard-working.

The Capricorn is just like their birth flower, the carnation: they can be bold on the outside. But Capricorns also have a softer personality under their bright exterior. Capricorns are traditional, so giving them a gift such as a carnation bouquet would add colour to their day.

A Parent's Horoscope

A Capricorn parent works hard to discipline their child, but also isn’t afraid to have fun often too. Capricorns love family, and they love having a family connection, so whilst there may be rules and regulations in place for their children, they’re always loving and affectionate.

Ideal Floral Gift for a Capricorn

Capricorns are traditional, so giving them a gift such as a carnation bouquet would add colour to their day.

Aquarius - Air Sign

Ruling Planet: Saturn and Uranus

If a beautiful baby Aquarius has joined your family; congratulations, your new baby will be affectionate and curious about their new world. Your baby will enjoy meeting new family members, and won’t mind being passed around all your friends. An Aquarius is laid back, and enjoys having lots of friends and social connections. As they grow older, they become deep-thinkers and can usually be found reading a book.

The Aquarius' birth flower is the violet, which represents creativity and storytelling. Your Aquarius baby will grow up to be creative and have a wild imagination, so parents, make sure you encourage this growth and learning.

A Parent's Horoscope

Aquarius’ love some socialisation and a chat, so they’re the best person to visit for a cup of tea and some gossip. They enjoy communication, and giving advice, especially to their children, so they’re the best kind of friend to have a shoulder to cry on. They are creative, so they’ll come up with the best games to play with their children.

Ideal Floral Gift for a Aquarius

Aquarius’ like giving to others, so it would be hugely appreciative if they received something in return, too, such as a bouquet of flowers

Pisces - Water Sign

Pisces - Water Sign

If you are celebrating the birth of a gorgeous Pisces baby; congratulations, these gentle souls are both kind and faithful!Your little Pisces will enjoy sleep time in these early months just dreaming of what the future will hold. Your generous little one will display preferences for music at a very early age, so parents, prepare to sing along to their tune!

Known for their creative and imaginative natures, the Pisces baby will be fond of creative pursuits. Like their birth flower the Violet, though both watchful and modest, they will flourish with praise and at times instinctively seem to understand. Compassionate and romantic, don't be surprised if your precious Piscean is full of smiles and trusting hugs.

A Parent's Horoscope

A Pisces parent has so much love to give and an open heart to welcome their new arrival. With the Piscean, parents have the ability to empathise and are able to be extremely supportive, instilling confidence in their little one. The wise Pisces parent would welcome a floral present; they will enjoy your selection, understanding the care with which it has been chosen.

Ideal Floral Gift for a Pisces

The wise Pisces parent would welcome a floral present; they will enjoy your selection, understanding the care with which it has been chosen.

Aries - Fire Sign

Ruling Planet: Mars

If a beautiful Aries baby has joined your family;congratulations, your new baby is full of generosity and is caring too. Though sometimes they can have a short-temper, this can be soothed by doing some kind of activity, so if you find your Aries baby is becoming grouchy, take them for a walk. Aries love activity and physical challenges.

Aries are bright and optimistic, just like their birth flower, the daisy, which is reminiscent of summer and days creating daisy chains. They will grow up to be determined and confident children who are optimistic about every obstacle they come across.

A Parent's Horoscope

An Aries parent is determined in every aspect of life, from their work to their family. They’re super organised, so juggling work and home is never an issue, in fact they find it easy! Aries love to get outdoors and spend time doing physical activities, so taking their children to the park with a football is considered a perfect day out. A beautiful bouquet of summer flowers to say happy birthday would be warmly welcomed by the Aries parent.

Ideal Floral Gift for a Aries

A beautiful bouquet of summer flowers to say happy birthday would be warmly welcomed by the Aries parent.

Taurus - Earth Sign

Ruling Planet: Venus

If you are welcoming a little Taurus; congratulations you’re in for a treat! Although their sign of the zodiac is a bull, and they can be a little headstrong at times, those born under the sign of Taurus are usually dependable, loyal and full of laughter. Tiny Taureans are often calm and easy to soothe, so temper tantrums shouldn't be looming on the horizon too often.

As gentle as their birth flower the daisy, your down-to-earth Taurus baby will grow to love beauty. They are smart, sensitive and amiable. Your Taurus baby will welcome the opportunity to explore sight, touch, smell and sound as they are introduced to the world, so surround them with sensory experiences.

A Parent's Horoscope

A Taurus parent appreciates the sights and scents of beautiful flowers, and a bouquet including lilies and daisies would be welcomed by the Taurus who is normally the giver not the receiver. Having grown to appreciate the finer things in life, the Taurean will thrive on sharing these with their new arrival creating a wonderful home. Patience is a virtue the Taurus parent has in abundance, so relax; you won’t be worried by your baby’s continual need to question and investigate, you'll enjoy discovering along with them.

Ideal Floral Gift for a Taurus

A Taurus parent appreciates the sights and scents of beautiful flowers, and a bouquet including lilies and daisies would be welcomed by the Taurus who is normally the giver not the receiver.

Gemini - Air Sign

Ruling Planet: Mercury

If your little Gemini has just arrived, you will probably be looking in wonder at your bundle of joy as you imagine what the future holds. Be prepared for plenty of fun and laughter, as Gemini’s are notorious practical jokers with a great sense of humour. Just like their birth flower, the rose, these characters can be sensitive and sweet too. These cheeky chappies are very witty due to their high intelligence. They will surround themselves with people of a similar intellect, so parents; stay up to date with the latest technologies.

The Gemini also has a mischievous side, ensure you are always one-step ahead of the game or they will outrun you! As well as clever and cheeky, they are also easy-going not taking life too seriously, but they are intuitive and have a serious side when they need to, making your life a little simpler. The little Gemini loves the spotlight, so take a seat as they perform their way through life.

A Parent's Horoscope

A Gemini parent is fun-loving, making a brilliant children’s entertainer. They use their strong communication skills to teach and guide their children through life, whilst their optimism and easy-going nature ensure there is fun and games around every corner. The Gemini parent would warmly welcome a floral gift bursting with colour to say thank you for just being fantastic.

Ideal Floral Gift for a Gemini

The Gemini parent would warmly welcome a floral gift bursting with colour to say thank you for just being fantastic.

Cancer - Water Sign

Ruling Planet: Moon

If your cherished new arrival is born under the sign of Cancer; congratulations your little one will be loyal and loving! This water-element baby is both emotional and sensitive. Establish good routines and your harmonious baby will be quick to understand. Sentimental and deeply intuitive, they will respond to your mood, so parents, a happy home will mean a happy baby.

As their birth flower, the larkspur, symbolises, they will have an open heart and care deeply about family and home. Your Cancer baby will be artistic and enjoy creative play. As their water sign indicates they love to relax near water and evening bath times should be harmonious relaxing family times.

A Parent's Horoscope

Holding strong traditional family values they care deeply about those close to them. Loving to preserve family memories, the Cancer parent should start to capture their new baby’s precious moments; in future years you will cherish family photographs or films.The floral present to melt a Cancerean's heart would include; roses, delphinium, alstroemeria or freesia; all closely related to this zodiac sign.

Ideal Floral Gift for a Cancer

The floral present to melt a Cancerean's heart would include; roses, delphinium, alstroemeria or freesia; all closely related to this zodiac sign.

Leo - Fire Sign

Ruling Planet: Sun

If you have just welcomed a little Leo; congratulations you’re in for a treat! Leos are bright, energetic and optimistic characters. Parents, you’ll enjoy watching your baby grow and blossom into a colourful personality; as tall and vibrant as their birth flower, the gladiolus. They are smart, sensitive and love to play. Your Leo baby will love colour and sound, so from flowers to mobiles enjoy creating a stimulating home.

Fun loving and creative they can make great friends so make sure you are ready for a full house. Strong and determined your little one knows what they want; parents, make sure you are ready for feeding time as they will be. As natural leaders they’ll be ruling the household before you know it so be prepared!

A Parent's Horoscope

A Leo parent has plenty of self-confidence and they always aspire to perfection. The Leo parent is creative and sociable, so there’ll be lots of parties for little ones to enjoy. They have loads of energy too, so you’ll often find them playing with their children, or running around picking them up and dropping them off at all sorts of classes and practices.

Ideal Floral Gift for a Leo

Always cheerful and with a love for bright colours they would appreciate a floral gift that reflects their personality.

Virgo - Earth Sign

Ruling Planet: Mercury

If a beautiful baby Virgo has joined your family; congratulations, they will bring loyalty and kindness! Your tiny new bundle has both common sense and intellect. Parents, as they gaze at you perceptively there is a lot going on in that tiny mind; they are both thoughtful and reflective. You’ll have no problem trying to get them to do their homework in future years as they love to learn.

The Virgo is an Earth sign and just like their subtle zodiac flower, the Aster, Virgos can be very modest and often don’t like to take centre stage. With a natural eye for detail their skill of observance will help your Virgo baby to grow and learn quickly as they take pleasure in everything from reading to pets.

A Parent's Horoscope

A Virgo parent has a critical eye for perfection and they work hard to improve. Always helping others they would welcome a gift of flowers, small bright blooms with colourful details would work best. Cleanliness is important to the Virgo parent, and their babies will reflect this. The Virgo parent will know each detail of their baby and take pride in watching them flourish and learn.

Ideal Floral Gift for a Virgo

Always helping others they would welcome a gift of flowers, small bright blooms with colourful details would work best

Libra - Air Sign

Ruling Planet: Venus

Your newborn baby is a Libra; congratulations, your baby will be fair and gentle! Libran’s are all about balance, with their symbol being the scales, so make sure that your home is a relaxing place for your baby to grow up. Your baby will love sharing things with others, so as they get older, you can expect many ‘presents’, even if it is just their favourite toy.

Like the yellow Marigold flower, known as the Herb of the Sun, your Libra baby will be happy, bright and fun to be around as they grow up. A bunch of Marigolds would brighten up any Libra’s day,

A Parent's Horoscope

A Libra parent is extremely diplomatic and is great at problem solving, so if your two little ones are fighting over the TV remote, you know exactly how to handle the situation with ease. Libran’s can be indecisive, but when it comes to making parenting decisions, they know exactly which route to take. A bright and cheerful birthday bouquet would be the perfect gift for the Libra.

Ideal Floral Gift for a Libra

A bright and cheerful birthday bouquet would be the perfect gift for the Libra.

Scorpio - Water Sign

Ruling Planet: Mars and Pluto

As you welcome your Scorpio baby to the world, you will be wondering about their little personality and their star sign is a great place to start. Ambitious and tenacious, Scorpios won’t be stopped from pursuing their goals, so you might find that babies born under this sign are determined to doeverything for themselves. They are faithful and trustworthy, making them dependable playmates. In schoolthey’ll find close friends who are loyal and trustworthy.

Passionate and determined, there is an intensity about Scorpios that is hard to ignore – make sure you are ready for playtime, a Scorpio child would enjoy a dressing up box making playtime as realistic as possible. When they know what they want they will stop at nothing to achieve it, which means that Scorpio babies tend to learn new things very quickly. They are dependable, honest and perceptive too, which is good news for parents.

A Parent's Horoscope

The Scorpio parent is sensitive and passionate, wanting the best for their family. Their sensitive side ensures they have a strong bond with their children and build relationships on trust and loyalty. Always striving for perfection the Scorpio parent would love a neatly-presented flower bouquet, to say thank you for all their hard work and support.

Ideal Floral Gift for a Scorpio

Always striving for perfection, the Scorpio parent would love a neatly-presented flower bouquet, to say thank you for all their hard work and support

Sagittarius - Fire Sign

Ruling Planet: Jupiter

Congratulations on the birth of your new baby Sagittarius, you’re in for one amazing adventure! Spontaneous and prone to taking risks, Sagittarius’ love travel, adventure and meeting new people, so Sagittarius babies will probably feel very at ease with unfamiliar settings and faces. Just keep an eye on them as, like their birth flower the poinsettia, they are unpredictable. They’re generous and deep thinkers too.

Sagittarius can be impulsive and they love trying new experiences, you’ll have your hands full keeping them entertained all day, make sure there are plenty of activities for them to enjoy. Optimistic by nature and hungry for adventure, they’re willing to embrace the unknown, so they should have no trouble settling into new places. They’re also highly creative with generous spirits, so expect to receive the odd surprise bouquet of flowers from time to time.

A Parent's Horoscope

Sagittarius parents are always ready for adventure, exploring new places and broadening their children’s minds. There will be boundaries and routines in place but they do not mind if they are broken from time to time. An exotic bouquet of flowers from around the world would be a thoughtful gift for a Sagittarius, brightening up a winter’s day.

Ideal Floral Gift for a Sagittarius

An exotic bouquet of flowers from around the world would be a thoughtful gift for a Sagittarius, brightening up a winter’s day.