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New BabyMessages

10th March, 2025

10th March, 2025

What’s that? There’s a new bouncing bundle of joy in the world? How exciting! Of course, what better way of congratulating the new parents than with a funny, heart-felt or endearing message for their new baby. With so many days of joy ahead of them, you want to be sure to let them enjoy this precious moment now. But, if you’re stuck for words when it comes to this joyous occasion, let us lend you a hand. Grab a pen and pull up a seat as we give you some great ideas for new baby messages, perfect to go alongside your beautiful gift of flowers.

Happy New Baby Messages

Sometimes, it’s the simple things that we enjoy the most. When it comes to congratulating the parents on their new baby, saying it with heart can bring a smile to their face.
  • So happy for you both. Congratulations on your new bundle of joy!
  • It’s a [girl/boy]! Congrats to you all, here’s to your new family.
  • A new baby means many more new and happy memories. Love to you all.
  • Woohoo! To the new bundle of joy and the happy new parents, congratulations!
  • Sending our warmest wishes on this very special day. Here’s to you and your new baby, [James]
  • Congratulations! We’re so happy to help you celebrate bringing little [Sophie] into the world. All our love.
  • Can’t wait to meet the newest member of the family and welcome them home.
  • I’m so happy for you, you’re going to make excellent parents
  • Welcome to the world, [Drew]! We can’t wait to meet you.
  • Your beautiful family just got a bit bigger. Sending my love to you all.

Short New Baby Messages

You don’t always need to say a lot to welcome a new little baby into the world. Here are some short but sweet messages when you’re not sure what else to say.
  • Congrats on your new baby [boy/girl]!
  • Wishing you luck on your greatest adventure yet.
  • Much love to you and the newest member of your family.
  • We can’t wait to meet your new bundle of joy.
  • Wishing love and happiness to your new family
  • You’re going to love being parents!
  • We’re so happy for you and your new baby
  • All the best for the future to you and your new bundle of joy.

Funny Messages for New Babies

When you know the parents well, sometimes a funny message is exactly what they need. Brush off your best jokes and anecdotes or pick something from our list below!
  • Welcome to parenthood! Please leave your sanity at the door
  • Congratulations, on the twins! Wait, you did know there was going to be two, right?
  • Congrats on the new baby - we’ll celebrate again in 18 years
  • After the first two, we were surprised to hear you wanted another one. But, congrats anyway!
  • Raising a kid is easy. It’s like learning to drive only with a lot more screaming.
  • Welcome to the world of dirty nappies and sleepless nights - I mean, congrats on the new baby!
  • Congrats on your new bundle of joy and sympathies to your lady parts during this time.
  • We heard you got yourself a new alarm-clock baby, congratulations!
  • Here’s to you being new parents! Only 18 years until we see you again
  • We wanted to congratulate you on the noise machine. I believe you called it [insert baby’s name]?

Messages for an Adoption

Not every new family member has to be biologically related. Sometimes, we bring new bundles into the world from other families that deserve just as much love and celebration.
  • You and [baby’s name] were made for each other. Congrats on the newest member to your family!
  • He’s one lucky boy to have found such a loving family to be a part of - wishing you all the best.
  • So happy and proud to see you taking this baby into your life. You all deserve this happiness.
  • Congrats on the adoption! You’re going to make fantastic parents. That little girl is going to be spoiled rotten.
  • You’ve made an amazing decision adopting [baby’s name]. We’re so happy for all of you.