The sentiment behind a gift is often more important than the gift itself. However, it can be difficult to find the right message to write to your family, colleagues, friends and loved ones. We have put together some inspiration to make your happy birthday wish put smiles on the face of all your nearest and dearest.
Popular Birthday Gifts
Birthday Quotes
When you’re not sure what to write in a birthday message, there’s nothing quite like quoting the wisdom of others to portray your sentiments perfectly. We're here to help with the best quotes for a happy birthday greeting to delight your family and friends.

"Don't just count your years, make your years count."

“A Birthday is just another 365-day journey around the sun. Enjoy the trip.”

“Birthdays are nature’s way of telling us to eat more cake.”
"You are my blue crayon, the one I never have enough of, the one I use to colour my Sky." – A.R. Asher
"Don't just count your years, make your years count."– George Meredith
“Youth is a gift of nature, but age is a work of art.” – Stanislaw Jerzy Lec
“A Birthday is just another 365-day journey around the sun. Enjoy the trip.” – Unknown
“Do not regret growing older. It’s a priviledge denied to many.” – Unknown
“Age is merely the number of years the world has been enjoying you.” – Unknown
“You can be gorgeous at thirty, charming at forty, and irresistible for the rest of your life.” – Coco Chanel
“The older you get the better you get… unless you’re a banana.” – Betty White
“Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you!” – Dr. Seuss
“Birthdays are nature’s way of telling us to eat more cake.” – Edward Morykwas
“The old believe everything; the middle-aged suspect everything; the young know everything.” – Oscar Wilde
“The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age.” – Lucille
Belated Birthday Wishes
Oops! Did the date pass you by? Don't worry, we've got you covered with a collection of the best belated birthday messages, so you can still make their day, even after the big day.

I really didn't forget your birthday... I just forgot to let you know that I remembered .

Your birthday came, your birthday went, here's the ‘Happy Birthday’ wish I should have sent!

Happy Birthday from the mildly disorganised [surname] family! With all the love & best wishes…
I really didn't forget your birthday... I just forgot to let you know that I remembered.
Your birthday came, your birthday went, here's the wish I should have sent!
Happy Birthday from the mildly disorganised [surname] family! With all the love & best wishes…
I thought I would leave you a while to come to terms with your age before sending your birthday gift this year. Happy belated birthday!
Happy belated birthday to someone special to me who now has free reign to forget my birthday.
I may have forgotten your birthday, but at least I remembered that I’ve forgotten your birthday.
I thought I’d help stretch your birthday spirit a little longer and send belated birthday wishes!
Happy late birthday surprise! With best wishes and a bucket full of love…
Happy belated birthday wishes from your most forgetful friend who needs to buy a diary. Love you…
2,4,6,8, I’m sorry that my birthday wish was late…
Your special birthday came and went, here’s the gift I should have sent. Happy Birthday!
Roses are red, violets are blue, sorry my wishes are overdue! Happy belated birthday!
Funny Birthday Messages
What could be more special than a card message that makes you smile and laugh out loud? We went to town on funny birthday messages and we’ve rounded up our favourites that made us giggle because we think humour is the best way to make your loved ones smile on their birthday.

The first 40 years of childhood are always the hardest.

I wanted to send you something sexy but the postman told me to get out of the postbox.

Congratulations for being born many years ago.
It’s remarkable how long we’ve tolerated each other. Happy Birthday.
To the brother I never wanted. Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday! We wanted a candle for every year but the fire brigade wouldn’t allow it.
Card messages aren’t my thing. Happy Birthday.
Being related to me is really the only gift you need. Happy Birthday.
For your birthday, I wanted to give you something funny & charming, but then I remember you already have me in your life so I got you.
At least you’re not as old as you will be next year!
Attractive, sweet, intelligent, friendly, charming, hilarious & witty… well that’s enough about me… Happy Birthday!
Did you know it’s scientifically proven that people who have more birthdays statistically live longer. Happy Birthday!
Milestone birthdays are the biggies, the ones to get right because they only come round once in someone’s life. It’s therefore important to highlight the number and make sure it’s a big deal!
18th Birthday Messages They’ll Love
Today, be a pineapple: stand tall, wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside.
18 today and legally able to do everything you've illegaly been doing since you were 15.
If you don’t do wild things while you’re young, you’ll have nothing to smile about when you’re old. Happy 18th Birthday!
Happy 18th Birthday. Don’t start taking yourself too seriously. Nobody else is about to…
Happy 18th Birthday! Now you’re an adult you can do everything legally you were doing illegally since you were a kid.
Happy adulthood! Whatever the future holds, enjoy the journey…
Now you’re 18 you’re considered an adult & a teenager! Lucky you! Happy Birthday.
Perfect 21st Birthday Messages with Meaning
Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.
We age not by years, but by stories. Go and make some.
9 Years till you’re thirty, let the countdown begin. Happy Birthday from [name] who might be a little bit envious of your youth & beauty.
Happy 21st Birthday! Go out and make some memories to look back on and laugh!
It’s time to drink champagne and dance on the table! Happy 21st Birthday…
Now that you’re 21, I’m going to start coming to you for advice. And money. Happy Birthday!
Happy 21st Birthday! Live for today, laugh ‘till it hurts & celebrate like you’ve never celebrated!
Funny 30th Birthday Messages to Make them Laugh
You've lived 10950 days on this earth and you still haven't grown up.
Here's to another year closer to Velcro shoes.
You’re not 30 you’re 25 plus VAT. Happy Birthday…
I can’t believe it took you 30 years to grow up. Better late than never, Happy Birthday…!
Thirty is only 12 in scrabble. Happy Birthday!
Happy 30th! Don’t worry just pretend you’re still 18 with 12 years experience…
You’re thirties are no different from your twenties. You just look 10 years older and things aren’t fun anymore…!
Happy 10th anniversary of your 20th Birthday!
Cheeky 40th Birthday Messages They Won’t Forget
I was going to joke about getting old but then I realised that I'm older than you, so Happy Birthday my dear.
At least you're not as old as you'll be next year.
40, the age you get your head together but your body starts to fall apart.
Everyone grows older but only the wise make the most of it. Happy Birthday, have the best day ever!
There are advantages to turning 40. You can blame your poor decisions on a midlife crisis. Happy Birthday!
Look at turning 40 like the teenage equivalent of old age. Live life to the fullest & start with your Birthday!
When you tell people how old you are from this point onwards they will say you look half your age. As your friend, It is my responsibility to tell you the truth – you aren’t getting any younger, Happy 40th.
Celebratory 50th Birthday Messages to Remember
It's never too late to be what you want to be... Unless you want to be younger, then you've got no chance.
You know you're fifty when you have a party and your neighbours don't even notice.
50!? I demand a recount! Happy Birthday…
If you were a cricketer you’d be happy with half a century! Happy Birthday…
Now we can round your age up to 100! Happy Birthday!
You’ll never guess where I just heard your favourite song!? In a lift. Happy Birthday!
Let’s crack open a bottle… of prune juice. Happy Birthday wrinkly!
5 decades, 18,250 days, 438,000 hours. Big numbers! I think that deserves an even bigger celebration!
Best Birthday Messages for a 60th Celebration
Statistics show that Birthdays are good for you. The people who have the most live the longest. Larry Lorenzo
Age is strictly a case of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter. Jack Benny
60 is the new 30 (twice). Happy Birthday…
Keep calm it’s only a number, Happy 60th!
Don’t panic if you have forgotten to organize your birthday party today. Forgetfulness is the first symptom of turning sixty! Happy Birthday…
Can I borrow your wisdom and maturity? After sixty you won’t be needed those things anyway. Happy Birthday…
Age is a number and it doesn’t matter what number that is because I’ll still love you! Happy Birthday!
60 is the new…. Wait… what was I saying? Never mind, have a truly memorable 60th!
70th Birthday Messages to Surprise them
I was going to write and eloquent poem but I couldn't find anything that rhymes with seventy.
You know you're getting old when the candles cost more than the cake.
Happy 25550th day on the planet!
Seventy is only 13 in scrabble…
At 70 there are only two rules for a wonderful birthday. Rule 1 – have the time of your life. Rule 2 – Don’t forget rule 1.
Turning 70 is like sitting on top of a skyscraper. You get the best view of life. Happy Birthday…
You reap as you sow, which is why you will be spending the rest of your life being pampered and showered with love by your children and grandchildren for the rest of your life. Happy 70th Birthday!
80th Birthday Messages to Show your Love
80 years loved.
Happy Birthday to the youngest 80 year old I know.
You’re the best example of 80 being the new 60. Happy Birthday!
To an inspirational 80 year old. If there is something to learn, you have learnt it. The key now is trying to remember it all! Happy Birthday…
You are four times as old as a twenty-year old. That means you’re four times the fun! Happy Birthday.
The world is truly a better place because you are in it. Happy 80th Birthday…
It’s a good thing you’ve had 80 years to build a good sense of humour because I’m relying on you to say something funny. Happy 80th Birthday!
Brilliant Birthday Card Messages for a special 90th
Age isn't important unless you're cheese. Helen Hayes
The older the violinist the sweeter the tune.
On you 90th Birthday, may you only know the joy, peace and health that comes fruitfully with a life well lived. Happy Birthday!
90 isn’t old, it’s classic! Everyone knows classic cars are the most beautiful. Happy 90th Birthday.
For your Birthday, I wish that for every extra candle on your cake, you are given an extra reason to smile. Happy 90th Birthday to you…
To the most inspirational person to me, who taught me to live, love & laugh. Happy 90th Birthday! I hope you enjoy each and every moment today.
To the founder of what we now call our family. Happy 90th Birthday! May you be pampered, showered with affection and crawled all over by your grandchildren.
It doesn’t matter if you’re turning 80, 90 or 100 you will always be a fun loving pain my backside! Happy 90th Birthday!
Wonderful Birthday Messages for a momentous 100th
Don’t forget, for a 100th Birthday, you can arrange a letter with a birthday message from the King.
You have been a blessing to everyone around you for 10 decades.
It is an honour to celebrate a century of life with you.
Happy 100th Birthday! Such an incredible milestone but it’s not got a scratch on how incredible you are!
100 today! If we get better with age, you must be magnificent, Happy Birthday!
You are truly blessed with a century of life & memories! Especially as I’m in some of them. Happy 100th Birthday!
You’re too young to be 100! You don’t look a day over 90! Happy 100th Birthday, may you have the strength to blow out your 100 candles!
100 years, that’s 1 century, 10 decades, 1200 months, 5217 weeks, 36,525 days, 876,600 hours, 52,596,000 minutes, 3,155,760,000 seconds and 4,204,800,000 heartbeats. Happy 100th Birthday…
You’re not 100 today. You’re 18 with 82 years experience. Happy 18th Birthday!
Sentimental Birthday Messages
Sometimes birthdays can fall on a difficult day, so it’s important to let your loved one know just how special & loved they are with a sentimental message to perk them up and make them smile.

Everything that matters in my life matters because of you.

If I could give you one thing in life, I would give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes, only then would you realise how special you are.

May you live all the days of your life.
I hope your special Birthday is half as wonderful as you are…
Wishing you the most important things in life; health, peace, love & happiness. Happy Birthday…
May your Birthday be just the beginning of a year filled with happy memories…
It is not how old you are. It is how you are old. Happy Birthday…
We’re all just tall kids but you stand taller than anyone kid at I know. Happy Birthday…
Today on your Birthday you have so many reasons to be grateful that you are alive and healthy. I also have a reason, you. Happy Birthday…
Everything important that I’ve learned, I have learned from you. Happy Birthday…
Count your life by smiles, not tears, Count your age by friends, not years. Happy Birthday…
Lots of people are thinking of you on your birthday; I just wanted to let you know that I’m one of them! Happy Birthday!
Birthday Wishes For A Close Friend
Whether they've been your bestie since primary school or a new-found friend, tell them how special they are to you, regardless of how long you haven’t spoken or how far apart you may be.

If you live to be 100, I hope I live to be 100 minus 1 day, so I never have to live without you.

A good friend is like a four-leaf clover; hard to find and lucky to have.

Birthdays come round once a year, but friends like you only come once in a lifetime. Best wishes from your best friend on your Birthday…
My life is amazing because you are part of it. Have a wonderful Birthday from your best friend…
If our friendship was a contract, it would read five words, I’m always here for you! Happy Birthday…
We may not talk every day & we may live miles apart but I just want you to know that you’ll always be my best friend, Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday to a friend who knows me like no one else does and is that person in my life who no one else can be…
A friend is someone that knows everything about you, and still likes you. I still like you. Happy Birthday!
A good friend will remember your Birthday. A great friend will forget your age. Happy Birthday!
I always feel grateful to have a friend like you in my life. Have the most wonderful Birthday imaginable!
Today is the day you were born to be my best friend!
As friends go, you’re not one of the best… You are the best! Happy Birthday!
Whether you're more of a friend than a colleague, or your relationship is strictly professional, writing a birthday message for a colleague can be tricky. You need to balance sentiment to show respect & thanks as well as celebration for a birthday. Here is a list of inspiration to help with writing a card message for professional relationships.

May all life's blessings be yours, on your birthday and always.

It's time to get happy! Wishing you all the best on your birthday and everything good in the year ahead.

Working with you every day makes my workday less like work and more like fun, thank you and have a wonderful Birthday!
The people you work with really make a job rewarding. The best thing about my job is working with you. Happy Birthday!
Working with you has always been a wonderful experience. Have a fantastic Birthday!
I only have the warmest wishes and thanks for a colleague like you. Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday to you [Mr/Mrs Name] we hope that this new year of your life will bring more possibility and we hope to be part of it.
Our sincerest wishes from [Company Name] on your Birthday. We hope this year will bring many opportunities to prosper & we hope to be part of it.
We hope that on this special day you take a well-deserved break for some fun or relaxation… or both!
From all of us at [company/team name] wishing you nothing but fulfilment and happiness on this special day! Happy Birthday from all of us.
While it’s true our relationship is professional, know that this isn’t a business message. It is our personal wish that you spend some quality time away for your birthday with friends & family and have the most wonderful Birthday!
Wishing you a happy birthday and another year of fantastic opportunities, achievements and growth!
Even if you have the best boss on the planet, writing birthday wishes aren’t easy. You don’t want to be over the top and you don’t want the greeting to be too cold & generic. Light-heartedness is the best way to be to show respect and thoughtfulness towards your superior. After all, bosses have feelings to you know.

Thank you for being my inspiration & my drive to succeed.

Only the best bosses buy drinks for everyone on their Birthday.

Only the best bosses buy drinks for everyone on their Birthday.
Happy Birthday to the one who gets us through the day and keeps everyone sane in the office…
This year has been eventful and your support has been so important to us all. Thank you for all you do for your employees and our company. Happy Birthday!
I look forward to many more years working with you and your incredible support. Happy Birthday!
There are very few in life that can lead others with respect and integrity. Thank you for being you. Happy Birthday!
Friends who become bosses are rare. Bosses who become friends are even rarer. Happy Birthday!
Today we will be giving the orders around here. Here is the list for the day – eat cake, open gifts & drink champagne! Happy Birthday!!
Fun, happiness, good health and success. Cheers boss! Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday to a genuine inspiration & leader. We wish you growth and prosperity for the year to come.
The only thing on the agenda today is celebration! Happy Birthday Boss!
Milestone birthdays are often times when the birthday girl or birthday boy wakes up feeling like it’s just another day. It is therefore your duty to remind them that firstly, it’s a big deal and secondly, make every effort to highlight their age as clearly as possible. They will love that!
Supercharge your Sentiments
There’s nothing better than adding a touch of nostalgia to make your birthday card wishes that extra bit special. We’ve scoured the internet to find some of the best throwbacks from the decades.
Nostalgic Memories To Add To Your Happy Birthday Message
Make them remember how old they really are by referencing a throwback to the decade they were born, from inventions, best selling songs and biggest movies.
We have curated the best of the best in happy birthday messages to provide you with the inspiration you need to express yourself with a wonderful sentiment. From hilarious, belated, milestone & even birthday quotes you’ll find the perfect sentiment that isn’t just ‘Have a Happy Birthday!’
If you have any brilliant birthday messages, share them with us @FlyingFlowersUK