We all like to splash out on expensive flowers every now and then. But just how extravagant are you willing to be?
Some luxury flowers fall into the category of a bit special. The kind you’d buy for weddings and anniversaries. But others go beyond luxury into eye-watering excess – and you’d probably need to sell your superyacht to foot the bill.
In this guide, we’ll cover the full spectrum of luxury flowers – from a tad pricey, to priceless.
The Kadupul Flower
The Sri Lankan Kadupul is dubbed the ‘ghost flower’ for good reason. It blooms only at night, once a year, and then theatrically withers away before the sun rises. It justifies this temperamental nature with exquisite, ethereal beauty.
Needless to say, the Kadupul is not a practical household flower. But if you were in the market for one, you’d need a limitless supply of dough. This elusive bloom is priceless.