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HomechevronRightFlower Types: June Birth Flower


Think of June and it invokes promises of warmer days and the start of summer. Weddings are in full swing, glasses of Pimm’s and strawberries with cream are in full flow at Wimbledon and our gardens are overflowing with blooms. June is a great time of year, especially for someone celebrating their birthday this month.

If you’re trying to think of a unique and personal present, have you thought about a bouquet of the June birth month flower? If you’ve not heard of birth month flowers before, these are blooms which have been chosen to represent every month of the year. Read on to find out all you need to know about the birth flower for June.

What is the birth flower for June?

There are two stunning blooms for June's birth month flowers. The first is possibly one of the most loved flowers in the world, the rose, while the second is recognised for its indescribable beauty, the honeysuckle.


There can’t be many flowers that manage to hold as much history as the unmistakable rose. First, we head back to 300 BC, where the Chinese were cultivating these flowers for ornamental use in gardens. Head forward and we find the Egyptians bathing in rosewater while the Romans threw rose petals like confetti during celebrations. In the Middle Ages, due to this flower symbolising secrecy, a rose would be hung from the ceiling during a government council chamber to signify that the proceedings were secret. The legal term sub rosa, meaning "under the rose," is a quasi-legal term still used to refer to something kept secret or confidential

Here in the UK, the flower has played an important role in our history with a red and white rose symbolising the unity between the houses of York and Lancaster in the 15th century - even today, the red rose is still a symbol of England. And, of course, who can forget the starring role this flower plays as a symbol of love, especially the red rose on Valentine’s Day.


The next June birth flower, once a common sight in British hedgerows, remains a familiar feature in some areas across Britain. Today, the plant has been cultivated as an ornamental plant which is a staple of that quintessential cottage garden look. With its unique and distinctive trumpet-shaped flowers and heady fragrance, it’s certainly a firm favourite and particularly loved by key pollinators like butterflies and bees.

This one isn’t just a pretty face either, the plant has been used for its medicinal properties. The leaves, flowers and even seeds have been used to treat everything from coughs and colds right through to skin conditions and even snakebites. However, don’t try this at home, some parts of the plant can be poisonous!

Meaning behind the June birth flowers

Do you know someone celebrating their birthday in June and want to know which flower to pop into their bouquet? Why not pick the flower that best suits their personality?

If you know someone born in the first part of the month, they fall under the star sign of Gemini. If you're a sign known for quick wit, adaptability, and a dynamic personality, the rose might be the perfect choice for you. After all, the tight bud of overlapping petals on this flower which then opens into a stunning bloom certainly delivers many different looks. The rose always stands for excitement and desire which is very similar to the fun personality of Gemini’s – they are known to be fun and always looking for spontaneity in life. Plus, if you ever wanted a star sign which wears their emotions on the outside, it would have to be those born in the first part of the month.

But what about the gorgeous honeysuckle? With its irresistible scent that draws people in, it’s a perfect match for curious and engaging Geminis who love to explore the world around them.

What about those born later in the month? These guys fall under the Cancer star sign which is known to be sensitive and deeply connected to their emotions. This makes them perfectly matched to the honeysuckle which is all about sweetness and charm. You could also say the way the honeysuckle plant grows, by climbing up whatever it can find, perfectly matches the Cancerian personality to form strong, everlasting bonds.

However, don’t underestimate a Cancerian, they are known to have resilience and are a nurturing and caring star sign. Cancerians are also known to be in their element creating beautiful, cosy and safe spaces – basically their own personal sanctuary. These qualities make them perfectly matched to the rose. After all, this one has been the ultimate symbol of beauty over the centuries but, with its outer petals to protect the delicate centre and sharp thorns it’s a flower not to mess with.

Flower names for June babies

If you are looking for some perfect flower names for a baby born in June, why not start with the birth month flowers. The name Rose was an incredibly popular choice back in the 1990s before falling sharply out of favour at the turn of the century. The name has since grown again in popularity and it’s not hard to see why. You could go for the traditional Rose or mix it up by changing it to Rosie, Roisin or Rosetta. You could also shorten the flower honeysuckle and go for Honey for a girl – a name that’s been growing recently in popularity.

If you’re looking for some other inspiration, you could also look at other June-flowering blooms. Options include Lavender, Peony or Helena (which is taken from Heleniums). For boys, you could look at a perennial herb by choosing Robin (although you can also use this for a girl) from the plant Ragged Robin. Alternatively, you could choose Ren which translates from the Japanese for Lotus which is in bloom this month. For something completely unique you could also go for Junius which comes from the Latin ‘born in June’.