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HomechevronRightA Guide To The March Birth Flower

MarchBirth Flower

Do you know somebody celebrating their birthday in March? You may be thinking about what present to buy them and getting that ideal card. But are you looking for something a little different? Have you thought about their birth flower?

If you’ve not heard of them, these are flowers that represent birthdays for every month of the year. Fancy knowing a bit about the March birth flower? Read on and we’ll explain all.

What is the birth flower for March?

So, what is the March birth flower? This is the month that officially welcomes spring. The time to start thinking about lighter evenings, warmer weather and nature waking up after its winter slumber. What better reason could there be than to have two birth flowers for March which are the epitome of time of year – daffodils and jonquils.

We know what you’re going to say – aren’t daffodils and jonquils the same? It is a common misconception and yes, although both flowers do look very similar and belong to the same family of plants, they are in fact different. You could call them close cousins


There is no mistaking the beauty of daffodils. Every spring they cover the sides of roads, parks and fields with their distinguished trumpet-shaped flowers. Daffodils tend to be slightly larger than jonquils and only produce one flower per stem. You should also take a look at their leaves which are wide and sword-shaped. They were first introduced to our shores by the Romans who brought them over to use as pain relief and to heal wounds. Jump forward to the 17th Century and this flower had become a firm favourite as a flower in gardens across Europe, flower girls in London even sold them on the streets of London.

Most daffodils are in shades of yellow although with the development of these flowers, it is possible to get other variations. These include yellow flowers with dark orange trumpets and even white petals with pink centres – perfect if you’re looking to add something slightly different to the birthday bouquet.


On to our next March birth flower, jonquils. Now these flowers do feature the same trumpet-shaped blooms as daffodils but you can find slight differences if you look closely. For a start, they are smaller and you usually find multiple flowers on the end of each stem. While daffodils have a gentle scent, jonquils deliver a strong and sweet smell – it has even been used as a base for perfume. Jonquils also tend to keep to simple colours and are typically only in white or yellow with a darker centre. They also have darker and narrower leaves which look a little bit like chives.

Unlike daffodils which can survive our cold March months, jonquils prefer to live somewhere a little bit warmer. If you want to see them growing happily in the wild, you should head down to places near the Mediterranean Sea. In fact, the name ‘jonquil’ comes from its Spanish roots and comes from the word ‘jonquil’ which is a rush plant – they look very similar!

Meaning behind the March birth flower

Which March birth flower should you choose for the birthday bouquet? The fact that both daffodils and jonquils fall under the same family group – narcissus - means both these flowers match closely whether you know someone born early or late in March.

Anyone born in March is known for being strong, with a zest for life and always ready for a new adventure. This is perfectly matched by jonquils and daffodils which represent new ideas, fresh beginnings and rebirth.

If you know someone born in the first half of this month, they fall under the star sign Pisces. This makes the daffodil an ideal choice because, like the artistic flair and sensitive nature of a Piscean, it represents creativity and forgiveness. Let’s just say, if you need a person to rely on in a difficult situation – you would definitely pick a Piscean. That’s not to say that a jonquil isn’t also an ideal flower for anyone born in the first part of the month. This star sign is all about romance and they are head over heels on the idea of being wooed. Jonquils stands for desire and the flower used to be given as a sign of affection and a way to communicate a message of love.

But what about those born under the star sign Aries? This lot is competitive - really competitive. Let’s just say, you don’t want to challenge them to a board game, it could get messy. This makes them perfectly suited to daffodils which are known for pushing through the cold post-winter ground and holding their heads up high above all the other spring plants. Don’t worry though, even though anyone born in the second part of the month is competitive they are also honest, lively and full of energy - they may want to win but you’ll have fun along the way. This makes both daffodils and jonquils a perfect match with these flowers standing for hope, happiness and friendship.

Flower names for March babies

If you’re having a baby in March and are still considering a baby name, why not turn to flora and fauna for inspiration? A great place to start is with the birth month flowers. You could go for the unusual Daffodil or abbreviate this to versions of this flower such as Daphne or Daffea for a girl. If you’re having a boy, why not go with the Welsh-inspired names Dafydd or Dafi. You can take the same approach with our second birth month flower – jonquil. If you’re having a girl, why not go with Joni or Joanna or for a boy you could choose Jonty or Jonathan.

You could also look at other spring flowering plants for inspiration such as the beautiful hellebore which represents serenity, peace and tranquillity. For a girl, you could keep the name hellebore or shorten it to Helen, Hella or Helena. You could also look at Erica Carnea, also known as winter flowering heather, and choose Eric or Erick for a boy or for a girl choose Erin or Erika.