New BabyGifts

The stork has arrived – there’s a new bundle of joy to welcome into the family. But what do you buy as a gift for the new baby, or the new parents?

Let’s be honest, most new parents have already bought everything they need to get through those first few months. You’ll want to find a gift that is utterly unique and will put a huge smile on their face. Suddenly, navigating the world of baby gifts seems much more difficult.

If you need some inspiration, we’re here to help. Read on and discover our ideas, whether it’s a present for a new baby boy or a girl, or even new baby gifts to spoil the parents.

Ideas for a New Baby Gifts

When looking for a new baby gift you could start off by asking the parents if there is anything they need. Although they think they have enough baby grows, they can never have too many (trust us). Or buy them some clothes in the next size up, they’ll fit into them in no time. If you’re buying a gift with family or friends, you could all chip in towards buying an expensive item like a cot or a pushchair.

If you’re looking for something a little different, consider getting them a keepsake teddy (admit it, most of us have held on tight to a favourite toy from our childhood!). It’s also the perfect neutral option if they don’t know if they’re having a boy or a girl. You’ve got two approaches for this type of soft toy - you can either go with a super snuggly one that they will cuddle up tight to in bed like a teddy bear, or the second option is to go for a traditional, jointed teddy bear that sits on a shelf. Whether you go modern or traditional, there is always the option to personalise your toy with their name and date of birth. You can even get ones where you record your own voice message or lullaby so the bear can send them off to sleep!

Create a bit of luck for the new baby and give them their very own silver sixpence. If you’ve not heard of this one before, let us explain. Head back to 1551 and the silver sixpence was introduced during the reign of King Edward VI. Around the 1600’s it was customary for the Lord of the Manor to give his bride a silver sixpence as a wedding gift. This later became symbolic of wedding days and good luck. Silver sixpences would be handed through the family at significant moments to continue the luck at weddings, births and christenings.

On the hunt for something more practical? Consider buying something special for their nursery that is useful. Just imagine, it’s the middle of the night and baby has woken for a feed, poor mum and dad are half asleep. What they need is to keep everything calm and quiet with some soft lighting. Create their very own haven with with a cloud silhouette light that hangs on the wall, or maybe go with a globe light that is shaped like the moon. If they have decorated the nursery, you could choose a 3D animal light that matches the theme, for example a mother and baby fox curled up together. Create a bundle gift set using a nappy bin and fill with everything they need, from nappies to cream and milk bottles – it may not be the cutest gift, but they’ll definitely be grateful!

If you’re looking for something a bit different, get a tree or plant they can put pride of place. Not only is it a sustainable gift, but the family can watch it develop as their baby grows. This one is also a great gift if you know parents who are adopting. You can then send the message that their new child, just like the tree, will be putting down roots with their new family. It doesn’t even have to be a big one, hydrangeas are a smaller option if they don’t have much space. Or consider getting an air-purifying plant to add some power to the nursery.

New Baby Boy Gifts

It’s a known fact that babies do love to drool. No sooner has a new parent put an outfit on and the front is soaking wet. Save baby’s best clothes and get some stylish bibs – you can even have a bit of fun and choose one which is a cowboy bandana. We’ll leave it up to you whether you go the whole hog with an outfit and Stetson!

Add some creativity to his nursery with a hanging mobile. We’re not talking about the ones that go above the baby’s cot, instead think of decorative ones that hang from the ceiling and sway in the breeze. Traditional wooden mobiles are still fashionable and you can go for a range of themes such as safari animals, rockets or even the solar system.

Wooden toys are also popular, mainly for the fact they are a more sustainable option, but also because they look great displayed on the shelf. For a baby boy gift, you have plenty to choose from – think planes, rockets or even trucks. You can even buy ones that have a rope to pull along, ready for when they’re moving about and walking.

New Baby Girl Gifts

If books are going to be a big part of this child’s life, then start them off in the right direction with the cutest bookends imaginable. You could go with a rainbow, moon and stars or even an animal-themed one. Of course, you must complete the gift with a few reads of your own. Go nostalgic with some books from your childhood or have a personalised story made that is all about the baby – you can even buy them as crinkle books so it doubles up as a sensory toy too.

There are hundreds of adorable baby grows perfect for new baby girls. Take this present to the next level by getting the baby’s name embroidered on the front, or choose your own style that you can guarantee nobody else will have got, for example, scandi-style submarines or illustrative octopuses. Another idea is to theme the baby grow around something the parents are into, such as their favourite band, movie or hobby. Just remember, whatever you choose, make sure the baby grow is made from organic cotton - a great sustainable option.

Time seems to go so quickly when you’re a new parent, especially when you’re so tired. Before you know it, you’ve entered the toddler stage and you have no idea what happened. A keepsake box is the perfect way to hold on to all those memories. Plus, as their baby girl grows up, she will love sitting down with her parents and taking all the items out and listening to the stories behind each one. Go with something traditional like a ballerina jewellery box which you wind up and watch the dancer twirl. If you need something a bit bigger go with a decorative, wooden box that has lots of drawers and compartments. It will add a fun element to re-living all those magic moments.

Gifts for New Parents

Bringing a new baby home, especially if it is their first one, can be overwhelming and exhausting. Mum and dad need to be spoilt rotten – they deserve it! Of course, they’re not going to want to leave their new bundle of joy just yet so think carefully about what you can do now and how you can help as the months go by.

The smallest of touches will mean a huge amount – more than you can possibly imagine. Do something simple such as offering to come round and cook them a meal. When you turn up, get them to sit back and relax. Then prepare the entire meal, lay the table, act as the maître d’ and then tidy up afterwards. Fingers crossed the baby will stay asleep during the whole meal!!

Did we mention it was tiring being a parent to a newborn? Give them the caffeine kick they need to get through the sleepless nights with a coffee-making machine. Even when they can’t find the energy to get out, they can still enjoy their favourite barista brew at home.

Of course, don’t forget all those couples who have become new parents through adoption. The best gift you can give here is some bonding time, especially if it’s an older child. Get them a voucher for an experience or fun day out for the perfect way to start creating their very own family moments.

New Baby Flowers

A gorgeous bouquet of flowers is the first thing to send when the new baby arrives. Presenting someone with a big bunch of blooms stands for love and happiness and a little touch to let them know they are supported.

You can also make the bouquet deliver some incredibly strong messages. For example, send someone peonies and you're wishing the new baby good fortune and beauty. Include some of these blooms in pink and you’re also saying love at first sight – perfect to represent the love for a newborn. Pop in some lilac flowers and it's all about the joy of youth. Add in pretty much any yellow flower and it’s all about the happiness that has entered their lives. Yellow tulips are the ultimate choice but you could also go with the eternally cheerful sunflowers if they’re a summer baby.

Another great choice is to go with a bouquet made up of their birth month flowers. A bit like how star signs and gemstones represent different birth dates, the month you are born is also represented by different flowers. So, if you were born in January, you would choose carnations or snowdrops. But, if you were born in July, you would pick roses and honeysuckle.

New Baby Messages

Sending that bouquet of flowers and need the perfect message? Here’s some ideas.

  • Life has suddenly become a million times better. Congratulations on the birth of your gorgeous baby (girl/boy), enjoy every precious moment.

  • Parenthood brings with it many moments of happiness, joy and challenges but I know together, the three of you have got this. Congratulations on becoming a family.

  • Welcome to the parent club. I know you’ll be amazing.

  • A happy and healthy baby for the most amazing couple I know. Congratulations on your new baby.

  • Welcome to the world little one. Congratulations on making your parents the happiest people I know. Love you all to the moon and back.

If you need some more inspiration on what to say, take a read of our new baby messages where we have lots more ideas, from short and sweet, to messages for a couple who have recently adopted and even some funny quotes.

We hope we’ve given you some great ideas to get you started on that perfect present for a new baby. With so many cute newborn baby gifts available, you’re going to have great fun buying a present. Of course, don’t forget to combine the gift with a deliciously happy bouquet of flowers.