How to Carefor an IndoorRose Plant

Almost everyone loves a rose and it’s not hard to see why! With a history that seems to go back to the beginning of time (some suggest they could be up to 35 million years old), this flower has seen it all!! From the Roman era when Emperors used them for festive occasions, Medieval times where they were used in medicines, to the Victorians who used the red rose as a sign of love – a tradition we still celebrate today.

Today, these stunning blooms are as popular as ever. Available in a wide range of sizes, petal shapes and colours you can always create a stunning bouquet, whether displaying the roses on their own or mixing them up with flowers such as sunflowers, statice or even alstroemeria.

But did you know, you can also get roses as an indoor plant? Just make sure you pick up the small variety or you could end up with a huge plant on your hands!


Fast becoming a popular choice – the Miniature Rose delivers a long-lasting pop of colour that keeps on coming. Yet this petite variety only grows to about 30cm in height making it perfect to keep as an indoor plant.

If you’re thinking of giving one of these as a gift you could consider a white rose which symbolises new beginnings – perfect for a house warming present or to celebrate a birth. Try the softer cream flower (which represents thoughtfulness) as a birthday present, or the deep pink bloom to say thank you.


Roses can be quite fussy to look after. A bit like Goldilocks, everything in their environment must be exactly right!

Too much direct sunlight and they won’t be happy (they can cope with a couple of hours a day), too much shade and they won’t flower. Placing the plant about a metre away from a west or east-facing window that gets about eight hours of sunlight is just right.

You also need the correct temperature. A constant 21°C in summer is perfect if the space is well-ventilated and without draughts… we did say they were fussy!

Fortunately, these plants aren’t toxic to your pets, so keeping them out of the way is one less thing to worry about.


Everyone likes a good trim, including your miniature roses. Throughout the blooming season you should remove the flowers as they die; it helps to conserve energy in the plant. If your plant produces a good crop of roses you could also cut the flowers when they are at their peak and display them in a vase, just remember it will only need to be small!

In spring remove any dead branches and give your rose a prune back (taking off about one third of the plant), it should help it to grow back strong. Do this by using some garden shears and cutting the stems on a slant - don’t cut straight, it can lead to infections. You might want to wear some suitable gloves when doing this – roses have sharp thorns!


A happy rose needs a moist, fertile environment and every couple of years they will need some new soil putting into their pot.

To repot the plant, gently ease the rose out of its container and tease out the roots. You can either choose to put the rose back into a similar sized pot or, if it looks like it’s getting a bit cramped, go up a size (about 5cm to 10cm bigger is good). Choose a good-quality rose potting compost which has been designed to give your miniature rose all the nutrients it needs. Fill the pot about a third full and place the rose on top. Fill in the sides with compost until its sitting securely. Once in its new pot, water well and once settled, use some liquid fertiliser to help make it feel at home.


Keep looking after your rose and there shouldn’t be any problems with pests or infections. However, you might want to keep an eye out for spider mites (they live on the underside of the leaves and look like tiny spiders) and aphids (tiny little green or brown bugs that live off the plant). These bugs can easily overtake a plant and damage its health. There are several insecticides you can use to treat this, or a specialist plant soap to help reduce their numbers.

Spider mites are more likely to be found in a dryer plant, so be sure to watch those moisture levels! Keeping the leaves clean by wiping them with a cloth to remove dust will also help.


As tempting as it may be to try and keep your rose flowering all year, it won’t be good for the plant. Roses are spring and summer plants, and they use a lot of energy when flowering. It makes sense that they need a rest now and again.

For about six weeks in late autumn and winter, move the miniature rose to a colder room so that it has the chance to hibernate. You will also need to reduce the feeding and cut back on the amount of watering. This may cause the leaves and flowers to drop but don’t worry it will help the plant to come back bigger and strong in the spring. Even during this dormant period, you will need to remember to keep giving the rose enough light – just avoid direct sun.