How to DryPeony Flowers

13th March, 2025

13th March, 2025

Few flowers pack as much punch as a peony. Bright and full of personality, peonies sure make an entrance. However, they come with a fairly short season so you may find that you’re missing out on your peony fix. But we’ve got the solution. Drying. Yup, you heard us. Drying peonies means you can enjoy their rich colours for much longer.

Whether you want to use dried ponies to make confetti, or sprinkle them over a boujee bath, we’re going to break down everything you need to know about how to dry peony flowers.



Peonies are possibly one of the most photogenic flowers. Don’t believe us? Check out Instagram. And dried peony flowers are no different. They have beautiful ruffly petals and striking layers that simply look dreamy.

But there’s no magic wand needed to dry peonies. Or expensive equipment. In fact, some peonies can dry perfectly fine when simply enjoyed – a bit like a fine wine. Just put your peonies in the vase, in water and wait. Just don’t let the leaves touch the water, as mould can quickly make an appearance.

Not all peonies will dry the same when done this way, some petals may develop a slight brown tinge to them. But don’t worry, there are other ways to make dried peonies. Just pick the one you love.



There’s not just one way to dry a peony. Oh no, you can air dry them with very little effort and equipment or invest a little more and use silica gel and resin for something that will last a lifetime. The main ways of drying flowers are:

  • In a vase
  • With silica gel
  • Air drying

No matter how you choose to get your dried peony flowers, make sure you take your time, especially when collecting your petals.


For those who have bought themselves (or been treated to) a bunch of peonies, drying petals is a great way to make your bouquet last longer. Whether you want to remember a special occasion or just make the most of these striking flowers, drying peony petals is quick and simple.

  1. For air dried peony petals simply take each petal off the flower.
  2. Place them evenly on a mesh surface.
  3. Keep them in a single layer. (If they are touching, they could stick together).
  4. Place them in an area where they’ll get plenty of air – but not in direct sunlight.
  5. Rotate them frequently throughout the day so both sides get enough exposure.
  6. When the petals have become crisp, remove them from the sheet.


If you just want to preserve the elegant bud before the fluffy heads bloom, we know just the way to do it. These can create jaw-dropping displays when grouped together.

What you need to air dry:

  • Elastic band
  • Coat hanger
  • A dark place with plenty of space to promote air flow.

How to do it:

  1. Trim the stem off the flower so you have just the bud, but leave a little stem for you to hold.
  2. Tie some twine on the stem and hang upside down from a hanger. Leave in a dark, airy room.
  3. They should feel crisp to the touch when completely dry. (This should take around two weeks).


Drying full stems can take a little more effort (and you need a bit of space to work) but the result is more than worth it.

What you need to air dry:

  • Elastic band
  • Coat hanger
  • A dark place with plenty of space to promote air flow.

How to do it:

  1. Cut stems to around six inches.
  2. Remove any foliage down the stems.
  3. Group no more than three stems together using an elastic band.
  4. Tie upside down using twine and tie to a hanger.
  5. Place in a dark room away from direct sunlight.
  6. Untie once they are crisp.


Don’t be intimidated by silica gel. You’ve got this. The process is simple and quicker than air drying.

What you need for desiccant drying:

  • Silica gel
  • A plastic tub (deep enough to hold the flower length you want to preserve)
  • A soft cleaning brush (a make-up brush can work).

How to do it:

  1. Empty silica gel into an air-tight container so there is a little bed to place the flowers on.
  2. Place the flowers into the gel. Short-stemmed flowers standing up works best.
  3. Cover the flowers gently with the silica gel until completely covered.
  4. Seal the container and place in a room away from direct sunlight.
  5. Follow the instructions for how long to leave (usually a week).


Dried peonies can be used in many ways. If they were once in your bridal bouquet, you can preserve them in resin – there’s so many different shapes and sizes. Imagine making a coaster with the peonies you walked down the aisle with?Or if you don’t want to place them in resin, you can simply frame them. Use a large box frame to fit more in and without the need to press them. You can use dried full-stemmed peonies as wedding centrepieces or even keep them lasting longer on your dining room table. And if you’re needing confetti, this is an eco-friendly solution - simply take the dried petals and cut them to your desired size.



If you’re lucky enough to have peonies in your garden, you’re one step closer to having beautiful, dried peonies. From wedding decorations to table centrepieces, dried flowers can be used fresh from the garden to make an incredible statement. Just make sure you pick them at the right time:

  • Weather: Try and cut flowers on a dry day
  • Time: Do it in the morning
  • Tools: Use a sharp pair of scissors or secateurs to avoid damaging the stems
  • Prep: Remove leaves and damaged petals
  • Picking: When the petals have emerged, and they feel squishy to touch.